I'm often using date specific queries to manage reports in excel and have found it handy to validate the start and end date to make sure that I'm entering the right thing !
Following the module using the date function : in this case I'm using the variables FromDate and ToDate
Public Sub GetValidDates(ByRef FromDate As Date, _
ByRef ToDate As Date, _
Optional MinDate As Date, _
Optional MaxDate As Date)
Dim bError As Boolean
Dim sErrorMessage As String
Dim vMyStart As Variant, vMyEnd As Variant
' Code below taken with advice from
' http://www.mrexcel.com/forum/showthread.php?t=274520
vMyStart = ""
vMyEnd = ""
bError = False
sErrorMessage = ""
vMyStart = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Month Start date (dd/mm/yy)", _
Title:="Start Date", _
If IsDate(vMyStart) = False Then
bError = True
vMyStart = ""
sErrorMessage = "Start date not a date"
If CheckDateInRange(Datex:=vMyStart, _
MinDate:=MinDate, _
MaxDate:=MaxDate) = False Then
bError = True
sErrorMessage = "Month start Date is not in range"
vMyStart = ""
End If
If bError = False Then
vMyEnd = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Enter Month End date (dd/mm/yy)", _
Title:="End Date", _
If IsDate(vMyEnd) = False Then
bError = True
sErrorMessage = "End date is not a date"
vMyEnd = ""
End If
End If
If bError = False Then
If CheckDateInRange(Datex:=vMyEnd, _
MinDate:=MinDate, _
MaxDate:=MaxDate) = False Then
bError = True
sErrorMessage = "End Date is not in range"
vMyEnd = ""
End If
End If
If vMyEnd < vMyStart Then
bError = True
sErrorMessage = "Start Date not before End date"
vMyEnd = ""
End If
End If
If bError Then MsgBox Prompt:=sErrorMessage, Buttons:=vbOKOnly + vbCritical, Title:="Invalid Date!"
Loop While bError
FromDate = CDate(vMyStart)
ToDate = CDate(vMyEnd)
End Sub
Private Function CheckDateInRange(ByVal Datex As Variant, _
Optional MinDate As Date, _
Optional MaxDate As Date) As Boolean
' Return False if specified date is not in range
Dim datCur As Date
On Error GoTo labError
datCur = CDate(Datex)
If Not (IsMissing(MinDate)) Then
If datCur < MinDate Then
CheckDateInRange = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
If Not (IsMissing(MaxDate)) Then
If datCur > MaxDate Then
CheckDateInRange = False
Exit Function
End If
End If
CheckDateInRange = True
Exit Function
CheckDateInRange = False
End Function
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